Weed & Grass Control
Here in the valley desert landscaping is extremely common for economical and maintenance reasons.
It's wonderful to not have to mow a large lawn every week and spend a lot of money on irrigation.
Add some cactus or desert plants or trees, maybe some decorations and sit back and enjoy the view.
Until the inevitable happens.
You had a good amount of rain in your area during the monsoon season and now you see a couple weeds sprouting.
You say to yourself I'll get to it in a day or two.
Next thing you know there are unwanted grass and weeds everywhere!!!
Now your weed eating and spraying expensive herbicides what seems like constantly.
Sound familiar?
Why not let someone who specializes in the biology of plant life and the proper use of herbicides solve this problem for you?
Lack of knowledge in identifying weed or grass species, choosing the wrong herbicide or failing to follow label directions precisely can lead to poor results, the death of desirable plants or harm to people or pets.
Weeds can be broken down into two categories.
Broadleaf Weeds and Grasses.
Weeds and grasses have 3 different life cycles. Annual, biennial or perennial.
Annual weeds grow from seed either in the winter (cool season weeds) or summer (warm season weeds).
Once the weeds flower they produce seeds that will spread by falling on the ground, blowing through the air or animals transferring them from their bodies or feet to other locations.
Once in the soil they will germinate and grow later in the season or the following year.
Biennial weeds live for 2 years reproducing by seed or root.
Perennial weeds live for many years. Originally growing from seed but actively regrow through stolons and rhizomes (stems of the plant that creep outward above or below ground) tubers or roots.
Perennials are the most difficult to control once they are established.
An example of a perennial is Bermuda Grass.
Controlling Weeds
Kyle's Pest Solution offers pre emergent and post emergent weed control.
Pre emergent is done by applying a pre emergent herbicide to the soil or rock landscaping prior to or during the growing season. Pre emergent herbicides work by killing the plant immediately after it sprouts from the seed.
We use the best products on the market for pre and post emergent services while at the same time taking every precaution not to harm desirable plants.
It's best to have us apply it just before the germination period. Once before fall and once just before spring. It will still be effective if applied during the season but there maybe some weeds that will sprout.
Our pre emergent service comes with a 6 month warranty and we will spot treat any emerged weeds with a post emergent herbicide at no additional charge within that time period!
We also provide one time or periodic post emergent treatments of annual or biennial weeds.
Controlling Grasses
Grass that grows where you don't want it to is one of the biggest challenges a home owner faces when it comes to keeping your yard looking good.
Kyle's Pest Solution is here to take the burden off of you.
The most effective way to get rid of grass is to apply herbicides that kill down to the root while it is green and actively growing. The grass absorbs the herbicide just like it is taking in water or sun and takes the herbicide down to the roots.
This needs to be done several times. Once it starts to get green again, it will need to be retreated. The process can take a few months for a substantial amount of grass.
Cool season grasses need to be treated during the winter while it is growing and warm season in the summer.
If the grass is dormant at the time of treatment it will have no effect on it.
Call Kyle's Pest Solution today at (623)-760-6025 for more information and a free estimate!