It has been said that the 3 major factors that have increased life expectancy throughout the history of humans is
Medical Science, Indoor Plumbing and PEST CONTROL!
Kyle's Pest Solution is family owned and operated by Kyle Williams and Patrick Mott. Together we have a combined experience of 22 years in the pest control industry. We are state licensed and provide the highest quality pest, termite & weed control services to the entire greater Metro Phoenix area.
We offer residential and commercial services for nearly all pest, termite & weed problems.
Our Services
When you use Kyle's Pest Solution to protect your home or business you will not be getting a technician, you will be getting an owner of our company, someone who understands that the most important person is you the client and will do everything to make sure you are satisfied with the service!
There is no one size fits all method to control the pests we have here in the valley. Pest control companies that try this will eventually be met with unhappy customers.
When we service a home or business, we take all of the information we are provided then thoroughly inspect the property and building(s) for conducive conditions and address them.
Our services consist of customized strategies to your specific need.
For general pest control we use a combination of dusts, granules, baits, traps and liquid pesticide formulations. We not only carry several different products in all of these categories, but also different application equipment to meet the specific needs of each client.
For questions regarding specific pests please see our "common pests" page or contact us at 623-760-6025.
Home Seal Service for Pest Prevention
We often get asked by our clients how bugs can enter their homes.
Well, even if your doors and windows are always shut, more than likely there are still plenty of gaps around a home plenty big enough for pests to fit through and sneak in.
Often, there is a gap where the siding and the stem wall meet all the way around the house.
While modern pesticides are very effective, residuals don't kill bugs instantly. So they may end up inside before they die.
With Kyle's Pest Solution's Home Seal Service, we seal those entry points all the way around the perimeter of your home reducing
pest access by 80 to 90%!
This service is mostly recommended for clients with scorpion or rodent issues but will be just as effective at stopping all other crawling pests as well.
Ask us about our Home Seal Service so you and your family can rest easy knowing these dangerous pests can't get in!
Pesticides and safety
The first thing you should consider before hiring a pest control company is SAFETY!
There are many, many misconceptions about the use of pesticides and you should know a couple of things right off the bat.
Pesticides have been used and are still used by many different industries across the country and around the globe.
Fact is, we come in contact with or consume pesticides and don't even know it.
We are at the mercy of whoever is applying the pesticides at the farm where our food is grown, In the factories our food or other products are processed, at the daycare facility or school our kids attend, at the motels we stay at.
Nearly anything you can think of.
There are very good reasons why these pesticides are used though.
Pests not only cause tons of money in damage but can cause serious illness or death through contamination on an industrial scale if control measures are not taken.
The manufacturers of these pesticides spend millions of dollars researching and testing them for effectiveness and safety.
They must meet very strict guidelines set and enforced by the E.P.A.
Our number 1 priority is your personal safety and the safety of your pets and children.
That is why we follow all label instructions, wear the correct personal protective equipment and follow all local, state and federal laws regarding pesticides and the safe use of them.
Natural, Green, or Organic Pesticides
There are some misunderstandings to public consumers and these terms.
First, don't make the mistake of assuming that they are safe or harmless because many times they can be toxic when not used properly.
Natural, Green or Organic does NOT mean safe!
Reading the labels of these pesticides you will find they may have hazard warnings the same as synthetic pesticides.
The E.P.A. does not allow the label of registered pesticides to contain the words safe or non-toxic.
What this means is that those products do not under go the same strict guidelines set by the E.P.A. regarding testing and research.
Man-made or Synthetic pesticides can be used in a safe manner the same way these can. Often at much lower doses and amounts.
Most conventional pesticides are derived from naturally occurring pesticides. The reason for this is that they can make them last longer and make the dosage more efficient. The manufacturing can also be done a lot faster.
When a compound is natural, it means it is formed naturally in plant life.
When a compound is organic, it means there are no man made chemicals added to it.
Another important thing to remember is these terms also apply to the food you eat.
The term natural does not mean there are no additives or synthetic compounds.
The U.S.D.A. 's current organic guidelines allow for certain synthetic pesticides to be used on food crops. Meaning you may be consuming pesticides even in 100% organic food. Or, due to the leniency of the label and the ineffectiveness of those organic pesticides, you may be consuming higher amounts of an "organic" pesticide.
Some of the most toxic compounds in the world are natural or organic.
For instance, Cyanide is a naturally occurring compound and Botulinum is organic.
Both are extremely toxic.
This does not mean we are against using natural or organic pesticides. We do use them when it is smarter to use these products if good results can be achieved. But Sometimes they just aren't as effective at controlling the target pest.
There are many different types of animals sharing our beautiful desert environment with us.
All of which serve a purpose in the ecosystem. However, some can be destructive, hazardous or dangerous to us or our families when they invade our homes or property. Add the fact that without human habitat here, many bug & rodent populations wouldn't thrive.
Main reason being that our homes offer resources not readily available in their natural environment.
Water, shelter and food.
Because of this, it is necessary to protect ourselves and property against them just as all animals protect themselves in nature. Most of the bugs we encounter here are known as "Invasive Pests". Meaning in their activity they invade our home, business or property. As opposed to "Sporadic" or "Infesting Pests", although we do have plenty of those, the need for routine pest control is for Invasive species. As there are many types of pests here there are many different processes to dealing with them. Learn more in our "common pests" page and "our services" page or contact Kyle's Pest Solution.
For more information or to schedule an appointment call Kyle's Pest Solution today! (623)-760-6025